Friday, September 7, 2012

Wholesale Date Palms

Canary Island Date Palm / Pineapple Palm / Phoenix canariensis Installed
This is a specimen Canary Island Date Palm (Phoenix canariensis) that our landscape crew installed for our customer in Mira Bay, Apollo Beach, fl. The Canary Island Date Palm is just one of many date palms our tree farm has to choose from. We also grow Sylvester Date Palms (Phoenix sylvestris, Silver Date Palm), Reclinata Palms (Phoenix reclinata, Senegal Date Palms), True Date Palms (Phoenix dactylifera), Hybrid Date Palms, and Pygmy Date Palms (Phoenix roebelenii).

Give our palm specialists a call for free landscape quote or more information. Wholesale prices available to the public when purchasing in quantity and always for landscapers, contractors, builders etc.

A Quality Plant

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Tampabaylandscaper installs large palms better and at discounted prices. We are a grower that loves Landscaping. The palms will come from the!

Royal Palms, Ribbon Palm, Sylvester Palm, Reclinata Palm
Tampabaylandscaper was on the move this fourth of July. We installed 12 palms in Ellenton at three different homes. Sylvester Palms, Royal Palms, Reclinata Palms, Ribbon Palms and even a Livistona sarabus (the Taraw Palm) seen below...

Livistona saribus
Call today for a free estimate. We will work with you to come up with a unique landscape that you are excited to come home to.


Monday, June 25, 2012

The Romeo residence was in need of a facelift.
Tampabaylandscaper started by removing the overgrown fountain grass, sickly Roebelenii Palms, the unhappy Magnolia and the grey rock used as mulch.

We installed a Sylvester Palm, new Roebelinii Palm and a European Fan Palm. We added all new plant material including Trinettes, Lorapettalums, Ixoras  and Aztec Grass. We added a thick layer of brown mulch too.
